
Posts Tagged ‘rosacea’

At Starflower, we know that our products are potent and skin changing. We always hear from our clients after they purchase and use our products on how much their skin has changed for the better, and quickly too. It was from this that Cherylyn, the owner and founder of Starflower Essentials, delved further into skin conditions and how to treat them.

A problem that was heard frequently from our customers was that there was no effective treatment for Rosacea and Acne. It didn’t take long before we had introduced two new treatments for our customers, Rosacea Clear and Acne Clear.

Rosacea /rˈzʃiə/ is a chronic condition characterized by facial erythema (redness).[2] Pimples are sometimes included as part of the definition.[3] Unless it affects the eyes, it is typically a harmless cosmetic condition. Treatment in the form of topical steroids can aggravate the condition.[4]

It primarily affects Caucasians of mainly north western European descent and has been nicknamed the ‘curse of the Celts’ by some in Britain and Ireland, but can also affect people of other ethnicities. Rosacea affects both sexes, but is almost three times more common in women. It has a peak age of onset between 30 and 60.[citation needed]

Rosacea typically begins as redness on the central face across the cheeks, nose, or forehead, but can also less commonly affect the neck, chest, ears, and scalp.[5] In some cases, additional symptoms, such as semi-permanent redness, telangiectasia (dilation of superficial blood vessels on the face), red domed papules (small bumps) and pustules, red gritty eyes, burning and stinging sensations, and in some advanced cases, a red lobulated nose (rhinophyma), may develop. 

Rosacea Clear - Organic Rosacea Treatment

Starflower incorporates a holistic approach to this systemic disease, one that takes into consideration your lifestyle, your nutrition and your skin care preparations. Rosacea Clear effectively reduces and helps clear inflammation that shows up as red, spidery veins within the dermal layer of the cheeks or nose. Included in this formula are the best plant and mineral substances for this condition: evening primrose, St. Johns wort, borage, witch hazel, rosemary, hemp, horse chestnut and copper to calm and soothe inflammation and strengthen connective tissue.

Acne vulgaris (or cystic acne) is a common human skin disease, characterized by areas of skin with seborrhea (scaly red skin), comedones (blackheads and whiteheads), papules (pinheads), pustules (pimples), Nodules (large papules) and possibly scarring.[1] Acne affects mostly skin with the densest population of sebaceous follicles; these areas include the face, the upper part of the chest, and the back. Severe acne is inflammatory, but acne can also manifest in noninflammatory forms.[2] The lesions are caused by changes in pilosebaceous units, skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland, changes that require androgen stimulation.

Acne occurs most commonly during adolescence, and often continues into adulthood. In adolescence, acne is usually caused by an increase in testosterone, which people of both genders accrue during puberty.[3] For most people, acne diminishes over time and tends to disappear — or at the very least decrease — after one reaches one’s early twenties. There is, however, no way to predict how long it will take to disappear entirely, and some individuals will carry this condition well into their thirties, forties, and beyond.[4]

Some of the large nodules were previously called “cysts” and the term nodulocystic has been used to describe severe cases of inflammatory acne.[5] The “cysts,” or boils that accompany cystic acne, can appear on the buttocks, groin, and armpit area, and anywhere else where sweat collects in hair follicles and perspiration ducts.[6] Cystic acne affects deeper skin tissue than does common acne.[7]

Aside from scarring, its main effects are psychological, such as reduced self-esteem[8] and in very extreme cases, depression or suicide.[9] Acne usually appears during adolescence, when people already tend to be most socially insecure. Early and aggressive treatment is therefore advocated by some to lessen the overall long-term impact to individuals.

Acne Clear - Organic Acne Treatment


Acne Clear is a concentrated blend of organic plant extracts and oils to help balance, purify and normalize skin PH to assist in healing the ravaging effects of systemic acne. Contains calendula, echinacea, burdock, tansy, witch hazel and organic sulfur.

Since we have released our two treatments, our customers have been in love. At Starflower, our products work and they work quickly. We don’t use any fillers or dangerous chemicals that can actually aggravate skin conditions. Our expertly formulated treatments help heal and repair the damage of acne and rosacea. They also help when used daily to prevent recurring outbreatks and redness.

Don’t believe us? Hear what our customers have to say-

“I have had cyst type bumps on my face for years. Enlarged pores filled with hardened fat that the dermatologist wouldn’t surgically remove because she was afraid of scarring. Starflower came to the rescue and how. A qualified rep suggested steaming and masking once every week for the first month along with the Acne Clear. I used Herbal Facial Steam and Clary Sea Face Mask only twice and my bumps are totally gone after tolerating them for years! Following that with Acne Clear has done the trick. In my opinion, Starflower is the most potent, effective and vital skin care I’ve ever used in my life. People ask me what I’ve done, my skin looks transformed. I just smile and say Starflower…The Living Skin Care Company”. ~ Maria Teddar…Austin, TX

We even have a review from the hilariously funny and smart Dermis Nerd!

RE:view – Starflower Essentials Acne Clear

Dear dear readers, it’s going to be an all review all the time kinda blog for the next couple of posts. I’ve been trying out a wide variety of goodies & I’m anxious to let you all in on the ones that are fierce & fab & the ones that are…. well…. not so fierce or fab.

I started working in a spa in brooklyn where some of the Starflower Essentials line is carried (& used in treatments). As y’all are probably aware, I have been on the hunt for break-out fighters that won’t kill my skin. I decided to give Starflower’s Acne Clear a shot.

I was most impressed by the rad skin loving ingredients like; witch hazel (you know how I feel about that), horsetail (an anti-inflamatory & blood coagulant), willow bark (natural salicylic acid), arnica (anti-inflamatory), MSM sulfur (break out fighter to the skin loving set), & two different types of rose (love it). Most break-out fighting treatments have crazy harsh shit in them, which is bad news for my skin (&, I would reason, for most people’s). Why flare shit up worse with these crazy chemicals?

I was stoked to give Acne Clear a shot. I had high expectations, testimonials on the Starflower site (not always a totally reliable source in general) were pretty glowing.

Worth every penny of the $26-odd-dollar price.

This stuff is fierce. It’s not a quick fix, that’s for certain, but I’ve been using it as a serum under my regular moisturizer twice a day (morning & night) for the last couple of weeks & my skin has cleared drastically. I still have the odd break-out here & there (I just don’t have the good skin karma), but my skin is clearer & healthier than it has been in YEARS.

I shit you not dear readers. I shit you not.

Here’s what I do:
wash face
spritz with toner
apply Acne Clear
let it hang out on my skin for a few
spritz toner
apply moisturizer

(there’s a lot of toner spritzing happening in my life).

I seriously have ditched the heavy full coverage foundation & am rolling either makeup free or with a lil tinted moisturizer. (!!!!!)

kicks break-outs ass.
doesn’t burn or is otherwise horrible.

seriously weird smell (like a bitter rose floral… yuck)
might be hard to find (you can order from their website)

I stand the smell because it works so darn good.

This is a miracle product. My skin is so happy I dug it up. Yay!

For more information on Starflowers Organic Skin Treatments, visit our website or join us on Facebook. We are always available for any questions or concerns you may have!!

Have a great day,
Starflower Essentials Organic SkinCare

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